Custom Bouquet Order


We are always excited to take a custom order for your special event or special person. We do require 48 hours notice to ensure we have the best and freshest stems for your arrangement. Bouquets start at $30. Payment is due upon confirmation of order and is non-refundable.

Email us: or contact Joe at 612-483-3003

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We are always excited to take a custom order for your special event or special person. We do require 48 hours notice to ensure we have the best and freshest stems for your arrangement. Bouquets start at $30. Payment is due upon confirmation of order and is non-refundable.

Email us: or contact Joe at 612-483-3003

We are always excited to take a custom order for your special event or special person. We do require 48 hours notice to ensure we have the best and freshest stems for your arrangement. Bouquets start at $30. Payment is due upon confirmation of order and is non-refundable.

Email us: or contact Joe at 612-483-3003

Seasonal Splendor Bouquet Subscription (13 total)
Spring Delight Bouquet Subscription (3 total)
Fall Glory Bouquet Subscription (4 total)
Summer Beauty Bouquet (6 total)